How to plot AUC - ROC Curve using Python?

How to plot AUC - ROC Curve using Python?

Today let me explain a simple ROC graph and its basic understanding with an example. I am using simple dataset, so that you can play around to test the theory behind it. Let’s apply to classify breast cancer data.

In this example, we are using Classification problem, where you need to classify on breast cancer based some input data.

My fav technologies mind map

My fav technologies mind map

Let me list my favorite tecnology stack as a mind map, feel free to suggest any edits.

Today, I wanted to create a Mind map on all technologies, so here I am with this mind map diagram. Feel free to suggest any technology!

Try JHipster using Docker

Try JHipster using Docker

This blog is written to help you to test JHipster, without worrying much about installation of it. It’s been a year with Jhipster, as a token of appreciation to community, writing this blog for those who wants to try out this platform quickly.


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